Ebenezer is a member of the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AMEC), a denomination established in 1816. We have an integrated ministry which incorporates the historic traditions of the AMEC and contemporary worship. Our congregation reflects multiple generations from a variety of backgrounds and locations, with a wealth of gifts, talents and Christian experiences.
Focused on discipleship rather than membership, we open our doors, arms and hearts to walk with you on your Christian journey as our beloved brother or sister in Christ — not just as a name on the roll. We invite you to worship with us and if the Lord leads you to unite with Ebenezer, when the call of discipleship is made during the Worship Service, please come forward. At that time, the Pastor or Ministers will greet you, select a Class Leader to walk with you as you familiarize yourself with the church and congregation, and have you attend the new Discipleship course. At the end of your probationary period, we will welcome you into full discipleship (membership) at Ebenezer with all of the rights and privileges of a full disciple.
In addition to full discipleship, we also allow persons from other Methodist traditions or churches to unite with us as Affiliate Members until they are ready to join in full discipleship or return to their home church.
Ebenezer does not have a dress code, however the most common attire for Sunday Worship is Sunday Best (Suits & Ties); and Business Casual (slacks, button down shirts, skirts and dresses). Nevertheless, we do have members and guest who feel more comfortable in jeans and T-shirts. Our only request is that your attire be non-distractive (i.e. not too short, too tight or revealing). During the summer months, we encourage everyone to “dress down.” This affords our pastor, the ministerial staff and everyone else to dress more relaxed.